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What is Homeopathy?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a non-toxic system of medication used to cure a wide range of health issues.

It is depending on the Law of Similars and potentization. Basically, the Law of Similars is the assumption that because contact with a given material can cause particular signs in someone who is good and balanced, then that material - given as a natural solution - will activate the body's own treatment abilities to get over identical signs during sickness.

A common example used to explain this effect is that of the individual slicing an red onion ~ When a good and balanced individual grinds an red onion they usually get watering sight, and a a drippy nasal area. They may even experience sneezing or hacking and coughing, from contact with the active ingredients in the red onion.

The natural solution, Allium cepa, created of potentized red red onion, can help the body system get over a cold or sensitivity attack in which the individual has identical signs (watery sight, drippy nasal area, sneezing, hacking and coughing.)

Even though the signs were not caused by contact with an red onion, the solution created from the red onion can help the body system get over them, because the signs are identical.

Is Homeopathy Effective?

Millions of individuals have used natural treatments to cure every possible type of sickness and indication. Despite misguided beliefs, homeopathy is just as medical as allopathic medication.

Homeopathy does not base its efficiency on creature tests which have little importance to people, and recommending is not depending on medical, or random development of results, but on a logical, methodical statement of the consequences of solutions on healthier and sick and tired individuals.

What are the Advantages of Homeopathy?


Homeopathy loves an excellent popularity in part because it is given in such minute amounts that it can be securely used to cure anyone. Expectant mothers, new created infants, kids and poor or older individuals may all use the appropriate doses of natural treatments without dangerous adverse reactions. Homeopthic amounts of certain natural herbs are appropriate for certain individuals (like colicky females,) when a standard herbal dose would be too strong.


Homeopathy does not use artificial ingredients, but depends on the treatment qualities natural in plants, nutrients, and creature ingredients. These ingredients are used in their whole, natural state, not as separated substances.


Homeopathy is not depending on 'fad' research. Homeopathic solutions do not go in and out of fashion because they are depending on signs for particular signs rather than on 'opposites'.

Easy to Take

Most natural treatments have a very light, lovely flavor and are meant to disolve under the mouth.

Even very youngsters can take them, which is very useful.

They come in little containers that can be easily carried with you.

Understanding Potencies

(alternative to)  (alternative energy) (alternative medicine) (alternative rock)
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