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A Center Healthy and balanced Meals Secret That Delivers Mind Power

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Center Healthy and balanced Meals Secret That Delivers Mind Power

A Great Healthy and balanced Center Diet Secret

Did you know that not all carbs foods are created equal, and that they act very differently in our bodies?

The difference in carbs actions is ranked by the impact on blood flow glucose stages levels. This ranking system is known as the Glycemic Index(GI). Our blood flow glucose stages increases and falls when we eat a food containing carbohydrate food. How great it increases and how long it remains great depends on the types of carbcarbohydrates (the GI) and the quantity consumed. The Glycemic Catalog divides carbs actions in our systems into three numerical tiers. High Glycemic Catalog variety is 70 and greater, the medium Glycemic Catalog variety is 56 to 69, and low Glycemic Catalog variety is 55 and below.

Eating a lot of great GI foods can be harmful to your wellness because it pushes your body to extremes. This is of particular importance if you are overweight and your life style is sedentary.

When you eat a slice cake, the glucose in that treat, also known as a simple carbs is quickly converted to glucose in your bloodstream. Your blood flow glucose stages levels rise and raise when simple glucose is consumed alone. If you eat a candy bar for a mid-afternoon snack your pancreas releases a hormone called blood insulin to move the glucose out of the veins and into your cells for energy. As a result, your blood flow glucose stages level may fall dramatically. When your blood flow glucose stages levels have a very great raise followed by a very low fall you tend to get hungry again. Also low blood flow glucose stages can leave you feeling shaky, dizzy, and searching for more sweets to regain that glucose "high." High blood flow glucose stages levels can be a threat to your wellness even if you don't have diabetic issues. In fact, elevated blood flow glucose stages levels within the 'normal' variety can damage the veins and circulatory system, increasing the risk of cardiac arrest, type two diabetic issues, excess weight, and even certain types of cancer. It does so by increasing the production of damaging free radicals and creating oxidative stress and inflammation.

Low GI carbohydrate food are the ones that produce low fluctuations in our blood flow glucose stages and stages of blood insulin. Switching from great to low GI carbohydrate food that slowly trickle (slower gastric emptying time) glucose into your veins will not only keep your energy balanced, but will also allow you to feel fuller for extended period periods between meals.

Glucose is your brain's primary fuel source and it needs a steady supply of it throughout the day. Eating that healthy low GI morning food provides the mind with a more constant level of blood flow glucose stages compared with the ups and downs of a higher GI morning food. You can start your day in great gear every day of the week with a good low GI morning food that will nourish and sustain you. Also the impact of a low GI carbs food provides over to the next food, decreasing its glycemic impact. This means that a morning food consumed after a low GI dinner the previous evening, or a lunch consumed after a low GI morning food provides an unexpected and beneficial impact that is called the "second food effect". The experts caution us not to take
this information to the extreme, and they recommend that you strive for at least one low GI food per food. Choosing low GI carbohydrate meals are one of the methods to long-term wellness and decreasing your risk of heart related illnesses, diabetic issues, and the added benefit of sustainable losing weight. Now that you know one of the methods of a Great Healthy and balanced Center Diet share it and enrich the lives of loved ones and friends.

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